Loo­king for real-time, au­to­ma­ted in-line ana­ly­ses?

Find out more about our in­dus­tri­al sen­so­ry sys­tem for the ana­ly­sis of vo­la­ti­le or­ga­nic com­pounds (VOCs).

Loo­king to sim­pli­fy and op­ti­mi­ze your cur­rent lab ana­ly­ses?

Find out more about our uni­que and uni­ver­sal Ion Source that re­vo­lu­tio­ni­zes mass spec­tro­me­try across ap­pli­ca­ti­ons.

Line art of a human breathing on the left and of a massspectrometer connected with a highlighted SICRIT® ion source on the right

Loo­king for real-time, au­to­ma­ted in-line ana­ly­ses?

Find out more about our in­dus­tri­al sen­so­ry sys­tem for the ana­ly­sis of vo­la­ti­le or­ga­nic com­pounds (VOCs).

Loo­king to sim­pli­fy and op­ti­mi­ze your cur­rent lab ana­ly­ses?

Find out more about our uni­que and uni­ver­sal Ion Source that re­vo­lu­tio­ni­zes mass spec­tro­me­try across ap­pli­ca­ti­ons.

News & Blog

New Pa­per Out

Au­then­ti­ca­ti­on of the bo­ta­ni­cal ori­gin of mo­no­flo­ral ho­ney by dielec­tric bar­ri­er di­schar­ge io­niza­ti­on high re­so­lu­ti­on mass spec­tro­me­try (DBDI-HRMS). Brea­ching the 6 s bar­ri­er of ana­ly­sis time

Pe­sti­ci­des: Boon and Bane

This ar­tic­le aims to cla­ri­fy what pe­sti­ci­des are, their use as well as their risks, how they can be tes­ted and whe­re SICRIT can be of help.

News & Blog