
Plasmion’s Di­rect MS so­lu­ti­ons al­low for ful­ly quan­ti­ta­ti­ve me­a­su­re­ments th­rough SPME, di­rect ana­ly­sis of exha­led breath, and di­rect mo­ni­to­ring of aro­mas and VOCs. The SICRIT® tech­no­lo­gy eli­mi­na­tes the need for time-con­sum­ing sam­ple pre­pa­ra­ti­on or chro­ma­to­gra­phy.

Line art of the SICRIT® Ion Source in com­bi­na­ti­on with the GC/SPME-mo­du­le and a syringe approaching from above as an application of Direct MS

Di­rect ana­ly­sis of dif­fe­rent samples

Icon in a hexagon that resembles three small hexagons and that stands for solid samples for Direct MS

Di­rect ana­ly­sis of so­lid samples via ther­mal de­sorp­ti­on
The SICRIT® Ion Source in com­bi­na­ti­on with the GC/SPME-mo­du­le en­ables ther­mal de­sorp­ti­on of SPME fi­bers for a di­rect and quan­ti­ta­ti­ve ana­ly­sis of so­lid samples.

Icon in a hexagon that resembles two drops and that stands for liquid samples for Direct MS

Di­rect ana­ly­sis of li­quid samples via va­po­riza­ti­on
The SICRIT® Ion Source in com­bi­na­ti­on with the GC/SPME-mo­du­le en­ables va­po­riza­ti­on and quan­ti­ta­ti­ve ana­ly­sis of li­quid samples.

Icon in a hexagon that resembles a cloud and that stands for gas samples for Direct MS

Di­rect ana­ly­sis of gas samples via di­rect in­jec­tion
The SICRIT® Ion Source in com­bi­na­ti­on with the GC/SPME-mo­du­le en­ables di­rect quan­ti­ta­ti­ve head­space me­a­su­re­ments of gas­eous samples.

Line art of the SICRIT® Ion Source combined with the Breath-Mo­du­le as an application of Direct MS

Di­rect ana­ly­sis of exha­led breath

The SICRIT® Ion Source in com­bi­na­ti­on with the Breath-Mo­du­le en­ables non-in­va­si­ve dia­gno­stics e.g., ba­sed on bio­mar­ker dis­co­very in exha­led breath.

Di­rect mo­ni­to­ring of aro­ma and VOCs

The Ha­Voc sen­so­ry sys­tem en­ables the use of la­bo­ra­to­ry gra­de MS-Sys­tems as au­to­ma­ted VOC sen­sors in an in­dus­tri­al en­vi­ron­ment. It ser­ves the In­dus­try 4.0 de­mand of high­ly sen­si­ti­ve but easy to use real-time sen­sors.